Friday, September 19, 2014

Convert a property like file to a HashMap For Java with Regex in Python

I have a huge list of property like file. Now I need to convert this property like file to a HashMap in Java. Let's say my HashMap variable name is myHashMap. Recently I was playing with RegEx and Python. So I thought why not try to combine RegEx with Python to do this job! So, here's my solution.
NB: I've trimmed the property key and value.

To get the detail of the pattern go to RegEx101 and paste the below expression inside regular expression section.


Pagination With Oracle In JPA Native Query

Pagination in MySQL or PostgreSQL with limit is very easy. But Oracle doesn't support limit. So, in oracle generating paging query is a real trick.
Finally found a nice solution. With this piece of code generation pagination query is like charm. So have fun with this.