Thursday, October 31, 2013

Online avro phonetic typing - বাংলা

Press Ctrl+m to switch between English and avro-phonetic bangla typing.
Hit Space, Enter or Tab to transliterate.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Transfer big file with scp without blocking console and see progress

Problem statement:
  1. I must move a large file from one host to another, I used scp for it.
  2. But I need to use it without blocking console so that I can exit the terminal, so I should use nohup with scp and &.
  3. But I wanna see progress after some time. 
After searching solution for this I found the screen. To transfer file with scp without blocking console:
  • Step 1:
    execute this line to transfer file to remote host
    • This command will prompt for a password, give remoteHost's password.
  • Step 2:

Monday, October 7, 2013

Export and Import MySQL database from terminal

Below code will export MySQL database to a file and import it to another MySQL database from the file.


Install and configure MySQL database for Cent-OS

Following are the command to install and configure MySQL in Cent-OS.

If the log-in and all other privileges is needed from ip-address other than the localhost following command needed to execute depending on what is needed: